
Sometimes it works on service delivery and on right based approaches

  1. Child Rights:

 Preparatory School (Non-formal Education):

 Women Empowerment: Udayan’s  7 women are the local government representatives in Gaibandha District. The Udayan has developed different community based organizations like :Gram Unnayan Parishad, NariKantho Federation, NariUddokta Dal, Community Health Circle, Sufia Kamal Fellow, Oporajita, Inforlady. It has reduced discrimination in gender and developed leadership skills of the concerned.

  1. Information Technology (IT) : USS IT project has been running since 2004 with regular 46 IT students (46 students (13 +33) in each batch i.e. minimum 690 graduates now under the Udayan’s good will, who are involved in IT fields.

Training conductions:Every year becoming 40 female as a tailor and 20 students becoming proficient in foreign language basically in English.

The handicrafts project also has been running with the support of community people since 2011.

Commercial groups are formed for teaching on sewing who make different handicrafts products and dresses and sales its at community level where Udayan tagged them towards better marketing. Now a days there are 200 women under the structure independent in this business.

  1. Agent banking:

Udayan has established an agent bank at a remotest area of Bangladesh at Putimari village of Gaibandhathat poor can have the good urban banking access sitting at village. The community people easily can pay their bills now at the village level. They no need to go to Thana or District level for banking matter. Some community people have got jobs in the Bank. Every transection of the bank is from 2 to 3 lac BDT. Per annum Udayan has been earning 2.5 to 3 lac BDT from the Agent Bank as a service charge.

  1. Training Center and Human Resource Development:Udayan has been growing its reputation on human resource development issues since its inception. Now we would like to focus only 3 years progress of it as follow:

Udayan has trained its rural beneficiaries in last 3 years in from 2016 to 2018 i.e. total 6,165 persons where female and male were 50:50.In spite of that the Udayan also has trained up its rural beneficiaries during the same period of time in total 1,890 (female-1530 & male 36) persons where the female and male ratio was 81:19. It means, female was mostly concentered by the organization to capacities on women empowerment. In spite of such progress there 7 female beneficiaries have become the UP members and Councilors in Union Parishad under the Gaibadha District. The mostly the members are the Udayan’s General Council Members out of 29.

On the other hands Udayan IT farm has produced 90 IT experts as local level with short or through diploma courses and 200 women small entrepreneurs i.e. origin of USS, who work under the Udayan Umbrella. 

 Focus Area of Udayan: 

  1. Human Rights
  2. Equality
  3. Impartiality
  4. Creativity
  5. Sensitivity to rights and environmental issues.


Justice and knowledge-based self-supporting (Swabolombee) Society Governance.


The vision of Udayan SwabolombeeSangstha is to establish social justice and knowledge based self-supporting society. 

The missions of the organization is to create employment through increasing knowledge and skills, mobilization local resources, dissemination of information and technology, creation of friendly environment for development, social and economic empowerment, gender equity & equality and establish human rights.


  1. Interactive participation of stakeholders
  2. Transparency
  3. Accountability
  4. Ownership of marginal people and people with disability (PWD)
  5. Create `Child-friendly environment’ and enhance `women empowerment’.


  • Develop people’s organization (CBO) of disadvantaged groups of women to empower them under Swabolombee Gram (self-reliant village).
  • Promote grassroots movement with spontaneous and active participation of the disadvantaged people to access and utilize compulsory quality of primary education for their children with a goal of combating illiteracy and to build conscious and capable citizens for “tomorrow”.
  • Empower people and alleviating poverty through Improved Access to Livelihood Information.
  • Promote social movement for the protection of rights of the children, Person with Disability, especially the disadvantaged, with their active participation.
  • Promote income and employment opportunity of the poor and hard core poor people.
  • Promote community based health action approach to materialize the available services more effectively.
  • Increase the capacity of community people for reducing disaster risk and losses.
  • Promote prevention of environmental degradation through awareness, education and capacity building of community to safeguard environmental well-being and adapt to climate change impacts, organize social movement for safe environment.
  • Promote and Establish gender equity and equality at all levels.
  • Support sustainable livelihoods practices in the remote char areas.
  • Ensure the accountability and transparency of service providing organization for better services.

Working areas of USS : Gaibandha and Dhaka Districts of Bangladesh.

Formal Education:

Udayan has several educational institutions founded by Md. Shahadat Hossain Mondal, Executive Director of Udayan as follow:

  1. ‘Udayan Women Degree College’
  2. ‘Udayan Anondo Bhubon Madhyamik (High) School’
  3. ‘Udayan Anondo Bhubon Madhyamik (High) School’
  4. 7 Primary Schools.

The results of the institutions are above 90% rate of success. Regularly the graduates from its get chance in to various nationwide institution like public and private universities of Bangladesh. The all schools and college are under the government fund now. Some primary schools have already recognized as Government Schools. The concerned High Schools and College are now under the Monthly Payment Order (MPO) status except.

Livelihoods Improvement:

Gaibandha is one of the poorest and disaster prone districts in Bangladesh. River erosion, flashing flood, drought and cold spell, cyclone etc. are regular phenomena of Gaibandha district. Due to the environmental imbalance the crop production has been reducing periodically in the district and the general people usually become unemployed; so they leave their community for extra income to go beyond the Gaibandha District leaving own families and children.

Considered the above mentioned problems Udayan has been implementing various livelihood activities towards their development to achieve the SDG (Sustainable Development Goal) within 2030. So, to develop the community Udayan has been working with various donor agencies since last 4 decades. Still looking for support from different donor agencies towards livelihood development.

Women Empowerment

Udayan has been implementing various programs focusing on ensuring empowerment rights and women empowerment since last 40 years. Throughout the mentioned period Udayan has developed Gram Unnayan Parishad, NariKantho Federation, NariUddokta Dal, Community Health Circle, Sufia Kamal Fellow, Oporajita, Inforlady, in result of it has been decreasing gender discrimination and improving the leadership at the community level.

Good Governance and Development:

Udayan has been establishing good governance in every sector at its community. It’s very easy to say but very difficult to do. Anyway, it would like to develop the good governance in different stages of Bangladesh raising awareness of the people. Udayan has established many platforms within its project areas with the support of people organizations such a. ‘Lokomorcha’, b. ‘Health Watch Committee’, b. ‘Education Watch Committee’, c. ‘Sufia Kamal Fellow’, d. ‘Forum Social Entrepreneur Team’, e. ‘Health Services’, f. ‘Value Chain Group’, g. ‘Quality Primary Education’ all mechanism work for protecting the violence against women and children’.

Health Improvement:

Natural disaster and various social problems are the key obstacles of Bangladesh towards health services in the project areas, where most of the families lived under the poverty line yet, where Udayan has been developing ‘Shaghata Diabetic Samity’ (SDS) funded by ‘European Union’ with the technical support of Gono Unnayan Kendro (GUK) &Prip Trust since 2010 focused on a. develop & keep communication with the local health service institutes, b. access to health services for the poor, c. increase right to get quality health services, d. capacity building of the govt. health service institutes, e. developing community health cleaning and f. health service system monitoring etc.

 Disaster Preparedness & Management:

Whole Gaibandha District of Bangladesh is disaster prone in Bangladesh. Udayan has been working since its establishment with its own and donors’ funds to support the community people when is required. Having experiences to work with different donor agencies like CARE Bangladesh, Oxfam Novib, MJF, ADAB etc. towards the reducing the risks disasters. Having experiences to work with Government of Bangladesh on relief & rehabilitation along with the national and international donors.

USS Networking:

 USS has been developing partnerships and networks with CBOs, Civil Society groups, NGOs, INGOs, individual activities in Bangladesh to support the target groups of people.

They basically focus the Udayan in different level and places of Bangladesh towards ensuring the sustainability of the organization. 

So, through its quality Udayan has been focused as an efficient, transparent and responsible NGO towards community development, child and women rights etc. to ensure rights of the poor in Bangladesh since its foundation.


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Child Education in Gaibandha

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